About, Sarah

Here I’m going to tell you all about myself ( my fairy) !


Name: Sarah Diamondswirls

Arrival Day: 12th of July 2013

Talent: Animal

Mentor: Fawn

Animal friend: Merry (butterfly)

Membership: Became a member on 12th July for 1 year

Fairy Address : 8033 Sunny Oak Path

Favourite food: anything sweet!

Favourite animal: all animals!

Favourite Colour: Blueberry Blue

Favourite Hobby: Helping Animals

Favourite flower: Dahlia

Dislikes: Eavesdroppers

Favourite server: Magnolia Reef

Best friend: Scarlet Rainswirls


Link to my Pixie Page-


Merry’s profile


My home

My home

My garden

My garden



  1. You WILL be featured as a fashion model PLUS a best friend on my site! I don’t need to see your Pixie Page for I’ve already taken your pics.Remember at Daisy’s Dyes?
    And one question- can I email you? I just wanted to email you for you are my best friend. 🙂
    See ya round the waterfall!

  2. Hi! This is such a great site and I love it. (My real name is Sarah, too!) Maybe we’ve met around the waterfall! I have a butterfly as my animal friend too except her wings are blue and her name is Starspirit.

  3. u have a fantastic blog Sarah. After looking at your profile i remembered that i have seen u in pixie hollow while it was open. I wish we were friends.

  4. Sry Cris I went off without telling. But my mom came and said close it u have got ur sanskrit exam tomorrow. I had to go.
    Btw today i am theere night same time

  5. yeah i wish i could to but the place i stored all photos and videos from pixie hollow got wiped its so sad but if hollow comes back well that’s another story i guess…. 🙂

  6. *Cries* i miss pixie hollow i was isabelle merrydust a fellow member of pixie hollow, also orangeglow if your listening please please please! reply i miss you so much and if you recanise me please contact me at kelsea42@comcast.net thanks

  7. Hi Sarah,
    I have received an email of an invitation asking me as a Guest Author on your blog, is this by mistake or do you really want me as a Guest Author on your blog?
    I was just a bit surprised as I didn’t have to fill out a form or I didn’t even ask !!
    ♥ Raindrop

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