Hi…I guess? 

Hey there, guys? If any of you is still out there, that is ^^;

Ah, this is awkward.

It had been what, months?

Unlike some amazingly dedicated pixies, I don’t quite have the patience of the perseverance to post here anymore.

Like, sure, I could post about Disney and stuff, but if my heart’s just not that into it, then what’s the point?

Pixie Hollow was why I made this blog. It has been four years now, and I really cannot continue this anymore.

Plus, the P.B.C. has kind of…disintegrated? It can’t be helped, really. 

Nevertheless, I really appreciate the hardwork some pixies are putting in right now to keep this community alive! It is very, very heart-warming.

Sadly, I cannot be one of them. I hope you understand. 

It’s not just about determination and stuff, but school is super hectic now? I am fifteen now, and my birthday is coming up in four months. And yeah, I have to study. A lot.

I am into a lot of fandoms now O_O I watch anime quite often too. 

Finally, I wanted to talk a bit about my art? 

Looking back, I honestly cringe at all the stuff I used to draw years back 😂 And you guys applauded me way too much >•<

I took a one-and-a-half-year break from drawing because I just didn’t feel like it anymore. I resumed it in March this year though, and I’m very happy I did! 

So here’s some…stuff…

So, yeah?

And all of these have my deviantart watermark, though I didn’t really upload them there… yet? I will do it sometime, hopefully. 

Thank you for reading! 

I am very lucky to have met so many of you amazing people here ❤

And I repeat: if pixie hollow ever comes back, I will sign up in a heartbeat. 

All the love,



  1. Hey there!

    Its cool that I found this article, which reminded me of Pixie Hollow. I’m about your age, 4 months older actually, and I went though the same thing kinda. I was sad it closed, I was obsessed with it and all that. But I’m super happy you moved on to other things, like art.
    Back in 2013 I made a YouTube account filled with dumb proof that it would reopen, but I highly doubt they would even consider remaking the website.
    Anyway, it’s been four years, people have moved on… well, I mean if it would reopen I would sign up too, but we have grown. Were 16 and I’m kind of glad that it closed now, since we turned to more mature things, we start considering college, etc.
    It’s really cool though that you actually posted on here after all these years, but look how much we’ve grown!
    If you actually want to keep playing a MMORPG or whatever it’s called, maybe consider Woozworld, Its actually very fun, but ofc at 16, you’re starting to look at other things. Real life is more important
    Hope you have a great life, I’m pretty sure we won’t forget about this little Pixie Hollow incident from back when we were kids

    X TheOneGirlThatRelates

    1. Aaah thank you so much for this comment!
      It’s exactly like you said. We grow out of things as we grow older; it is only natural.
      I know that I won’t be so obsessed with the things I love at the moment five years from now. And that’s okay.
      Hope you have a wonderful life too! Good luck with everything 🙂

Let me know what you think, it means so much to me! ღ