We The Pixies on Discord

Please join us as we bring back the magic from Pixie Hollow on We the Pixies ❤
Bubble Bounce demo is already available! 😀

Marigold's Musings

Hi Pixies,

I’m back and have some VERY exciting news to share!!! 😀

A few weeks ago, fellow fairy Phoebe Bumbleflip shared on her blog about a new Pixie Hollow remake project called We the Pixies (also known as WTP):

Unlike other Pixie Hollow remakes, this project is recreating the Pixie Hollow experience along with the mini-games!!! 😀

WTP just opened their server to the public in mid-July and already have over 115 members! They have been hard at work and have already released a demo for Bubble Bounce that you can play RIGHT NOW after joining the discord server:

According to Phoebe, WTP are planning to have a playable demo of Pixie Hollow available by this October!!!!!!!!!!!! 😮

I’m obviously VERY excited about this project 😉 I’ve really been missing the Pixie Hollow mini-games (especially Pinecone Pop and Harvest Hustle!!!) and the original community of pixies the most…

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Let me know what you think, it means so much to me! ღ